Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

Review: Kiko BB Cream SPF 15

Hey! It's me again :)

BB cream for me is like one step ahead to adulthood. In high school, all I wore on my face was sunscreens and some compact powder. But at the time I got to university, I decide to wear something to tone up more my face. Foundation looks too much for me, so my choice went to BB creams.

My first BB cream experience with Maybelline Clear Smooth BB Cream (the one you can find along with the compact powder nearly in every mini market in Indonesia) and I gotta admit that it was not a nice experience. It clogged my pores, gave a really cakey and oily result, looks just like foundations, and I must admit that I kinda hated it.

So last month I was looking for another BB cream to use on daily basis, and one of my friend gave me this Kiko BB Cream that she bought some times ago - but she never used it. I was off course gladly accepted it because, you know, that means I save 9 euros for some times ahead.

If you ever read this blog (yeah even though the majority of the reviews are written in Indonesian), I praised Kiko so much for being such an affordable yet great brand of cosmetics. So I tried this BB cream with high expectation.

Before I begin reviewing the product, let me show you a picture of it.

The BB cream contains both moisturizer and SPF 15, but nevertheless I still use my Mixa moisturizer and my Garnier Sun Protection Cream underneath it. My friend bought it with the shade number 02, Natural. When I squeeze the cream out of the tube, it doesn't look like it is pigmented at all.

The texture is extremely light, and it blends well on my skin. But in my opinion, this BB cream doesn't look as tinted as it is supposed to be (as others BB creams are). As you can see, my hand is much darker than my face (result of riding motorcycles without gloves and snorkeling for hours without sun protection cream on it), but the cream doesn't leave much trace of lighter pigmentation when I apply it on my hand. It just makes my hand looks smoother.

As when I apply it onto my face, it doesn't give any difference whether if I apply it on a lot or less amount. On the positive side, it is very lightweight and gives a glowy touch on the skin. It covers a little bit of redness, but not with dark spots which appear more on my skin, but it holds my Rimmel powder well. It also gives a really strong scent, so I don't recommend it for you who hate fragrances in your make up.

So, will I buy it when it runs off? I don't think so. I'm looking forward to try Garnier's.

By the way, I changed the URL of this blog so it matches my other social media accounts' name. So if before you access this blog by typing the princessaputee(.)blogspot(.)fr, you can change it from now to type literalhime(.)blogspot(.fr) :)


Review: Neutrogena Immediate Repair Lip Balm

Hi Ladies,

So today I'm going to give you an English review on a lip care product that I find really useful and worth it. Yes, as you've read the title, it is on (another) lip balm by my favorite lip balm brand, Neutrogena.

I bought this little cutie a month ago, where I originally was looking for a Kiko Night Balm (because the subtropical climate ruins even more my dry lips), but they were out of stock so I looked for another type for a super hydrating lip balm for me to use while I sleep.

Then I went to Parashop where I usually buy my lip balms, and I stumbled upon this product. I usually avoid cake-shaped lip balms because I find it more efficient to use the stick ones, but the formula got me really interested. The usual Neutrogena lip balm is already rocking good, so why wouldn't I give this one a try?

The product costed around 7 euros (a little bit pricier than the usual lip balms!) but I found the 7 euros really really worth it. It gives, as it says, an immediate repair on my chapped lips, make it soft, hydrated, healthy, and ready to take any lipsticks I put on. The super thick formula reminds me of regular petroleum jelly, but it smells a lot better.

And you know what's even better? You can use the lip balm to repair the dry skin on your face! I had like this bad flu last week (I haven't even been fully healed by the time I write this review) so I had to blow my nose like every 30 minutes. As you know, blowing your nose too often will get the skin around your nostrils dry and irritated (because it got really damp and then dried by the air again, and moreover the tissues I used were cheap ones so they were not really soft). I put this lip balm over my dried and irritated nostrils' skin before I sleep, and after two nights, they went a lot better!

I think I'm gonna put this 'savior' product on my winter skin care list :)

So, that's all for now, bye!

Review: Rimmel Stay Matte Long Lasting Pressed Powder

Hai hai, setelah sebulan vakum menulis review, kali ini gue kembali untuk membahas salah satu produk kecantikan terbaru yang gue baru sudah gue gunakan selama sekitar satu setengah bulan ke belakang (ini sih nggak baru ya, hahaha).

Produk yang, namanya kalian bisa lihat di atas ini, digadang-gadang sebagai kesayangan para make up guru di YouTube. Yang jelas gue pernah liat Zoella menyebutkan kalau bedak ini adalah salah satu produk kosmetik drugstore favoritnya.

Jadi ceritanya bedak Maybelline andalan gue habis (selain karena dipake juga karena nggak sengaja jatoh sama Nyokap hingga jadi berkeping-keping) dan gue memutuskan untuk beli bedak di Prancis aja (padahal habisnya di Indonesia) pas gue balik ke Prancis.

Awalnya gue berniat untuk beli bedak Maybelline. Di Monoprix, sebuah supermarket Prancis dengan bagian make up yang cukup beragam sehingga kita bisa membanding-bandingkan, bedak Maybelline yang tersedia cuma yang Dernière Touch Confort sama yang Super Stay 24 Hours. Dan, harga mereka 12 euro ke atas. Budget gue sebenernya 15 euro, cuma sayang aja kalo harus ngeluarin duit sebanyak ini secara berkala cuma untuk bedak.

Iseng ngelirik rak Rimmel, mata gue akhirnya tertuju pada bedak yang beberapa kali gue liat seliweran di online shop kosmetik Indonesia ini. Inget sama review beberapa penggunanya dan harganya yang nggak sampai 10 euro, gue memutuskan untuk membawa pulang bedak ini.

Kemasannya simpel dan terkesan rapuh, tanpa cermin maupun spons. Warning, tidak travel friendly. Aplikator diserahkan pada pengguna, dan gue tentu saja menggunakan kuas ELF Studio Powder Brush gue. Permukaannya yang luas ramah banget untuk para pengguna kuas, sekali sapu semua permukaan kuas udah kena butiran-butiran halusnya.

Tulisan di tutupnya cuma asal nempel aja, yakin pasti bakal ngilang setelah beberapa bulan pemakaian. Di permukaan bedaknya ada embos logo Rimmel yang unyu-unyu itu.

Kebanyakan orang di Indonesia, gue perhatikan, memakai bedak ini dengan shade 001 (yang Translucent), tapi gue karena beli langsung di supermarket Monoprix dan bisa membanding-bandingkan satu shade dengan yang lain, akhirnya mengambil shade nomor 005, Silky Beige.

Gue pake bedak ini untuk setting BB Cream Kiko gue (seperti yang sudah gue sampaikan di post gue tentang daily make up), dan hasilnya cukup bertahan lama untuk kulit gue yang dalam cuaca sekarang yang belum terlalu kering, masih agak berminyak. Masih kuat untuk dipakai kuliah dari jam 8 pagi sampai 6 sore =w=b cuma butuh sedikit touch up/blotting di tengah hari buat mengurangi minyak di daerah T(ambang minyak). Pilihan warnanya pun membaur dengan warna asli kulit gue, nggak bikin kesan kayak pakai topeng. Teksturnya pun nggak ngeblok (mungkin karena gue mengaplikasikannya dengan kuas).

So? Are the 9 euros really worth it? Yes! Repurchase? Yes! xD
